Considering the national and international situation regarding Covid-19 virus’ spreading avoidance as well as the provisions of the Decree no. 195/2020, regarding the state of emergency’s establishment, also the first Military Ordinance from the 17th of March 2020, the 2nd art, regarding the suspension of cultural activities from closed spaces and the Decision no. 4/23.03.2020 of the Administrative Council of Braila County Center for the Conservation and Promotion of the Traditional Culture
Braila County Center for the Conservation and Promotion of Traditional Culture, as the Organizer of George Grigoriu International Pop Music Festival, communicates the following:
The pre-selection of the foreign competitors from the International Festival of Pop Music “George Grigoriu”, the 16th edition, who transmitted the registration file, by e-mail, until April 2nd, 2020, is rescheduled.
We mention that these competitors will automatically enter the pre-selection whose date we will communicate later.
The list of the competitors registered for the pre-selection:
Sofiia Iegorova (age-19, Ukraine), Marchesini Annibale Maria Marco (age-28, Italy), Berki Artúr (age-20, Hungary), Blazhev Mina (age-16, Macedonia), Aleksandar Petrov (age-18, Bulgary), Kateryna Danilkovich (age-17, Ukraine) Ruchismita Chakraborty (age-21, India), Verrecchia Marta (age-18, Italy) Michele Selillo (age-28, Italy),Stroia Chiara (age-24, Italy), Scarpinella Nicoletta (age-28, Italy), Vasilia Stoichkova (age-25, Bulgary)